Monday, March 22, 2010

Flowers, Sidewalk Chalk and Bare Feet

Yeah, you heard me. Flowers, Sidewalk Chalk and Bare Feet. It can only mean one thing: SPRING!

Just in the nick of time, too. Winter chill and mounds of fluffy snow is nice around Christmas time and all, but I mother nature out did herself this year. I'm just glad she decided to give us entirely glorious spring week! I am pretty sure the girls and I spent every day this week out under the sun, and it's been nothing short of magical! I love watching them discover the world in the spring time. So I decided to share :)

And so I've found a new form of therapy:

Don't think I'm joking, either! Try it and I bet you'll agree! Something about getting that chalky pink dust all over your hands and knees, it's rejuvenating! And I don't think it's a coincidence that our yellow piece of chalk is the most worn. Sidewalk chalk calls for sunny, happy colors.

This spring I've also come to a decision that has been quite liberating, and so I suggest you try it too. Bare feet. Yes, I've made a promise to myself: unless we are leaving the neighborhood, we will go barefoot. When you give birth, the nurses, doctor, and lactation consults will all give you this nugget of advice: Skin to skin contact. They say it is very key to bonding with your babe. I've definitely found that to be true. And now I am a firm believer in skin to earth contact, too. There is something about walking, running, skipping, frolicking, etc... BAREFOOT all across the thawing earth that is healing. Like an affirmation of life. You are connected to the earth in a very real way. So. We're bare foot and we're loving it.

This weekend we also went on a little exploration with Daddy. It's amazing how little kids re-discover the world around them when the seasons change. It's magical, I swear. Exploring the world through the eyes of a child is the best spirit-lifter I know! This Saturday we took the girls for a walk through the park and oh did we explore! We found lady bugs, and spiders, and flowers. Daddy even let Scarlett dip her feet in the creek before our little picnic.

And that has been our glorious first week of spring! :) 

PS: Bear with me while I try to figure out the layout of this site... I'm having difficulty putting my pictures exactly where I'd like them, any advice is appreciated!


  1. soooo, sweet! You've inspired me to pick up some sidewalk chalk for the next time my nieces and nephews visit. Your kids are squishably cute too!

  2. I am in amor with the name Scarlett! I'm pretty sure I can't pull off a Ruby AND a Scarlett, though. ;)

    ps - you should try sidewalk paint this Summer. I had more fun with it than the littles! It's super easy to make by just mixing cornstarch, food coloring and water. It paints pretty bright and washes clean off with the next rain.

  3. I love these pretty pictures : )
